Workplace noise education and prevention program
“Ignorance is not bliss!”

Having the correct hearing protection is important to keep you safe. Do you know how to protect your hearing?
Most workers do not understand what they need to do to protect themselves from noise injury. Often they joke it would be good not to hear their partner asking them to help about the house.
Hearing loss, tinnitus, balance and problems with tolerating sounds of a certain pitch interferes with relationships with family, friends and work colleagues.
“I didn’t understand what losing my hearing would do to my life!” is a common complaint heard by Audiologists.
Preventing noise induced hearing loss is far better than trying to assist someone with permanent noise injury and tinnitus. Workers often report that they didn’t understand what they needed to do to keep themselves safe…until it was too late.
Recreational noise is just as damaging as workplace noise. There is no difference. Looking after your hearing needs to occur at both work and home. Damaging sound can include loud music, motor bikes, boat and car engines, gunfire, gardening equipment etc
Handing out hearing protection and expecting workers to use it correctly without appropriate education and prevention training often results in incorrect use and non-compliance
Sound Advice Tasmania provide education and training to workplaces around Tasmania. You can find more information here
for experience, expertise and sound advice for your workplace